
Monday, September 27, 2010

Fenton Glass Cranberry Opalescent Hobnail Pitcher

You'll have two Fenton glass classics of hobnail glass and cranberry glass when you own one of these Cranberry Opalescent Hobnail Pitchers. This 8'' pitcher truly represents a treasured work of American craftsmanship. Cranberry is a unique glass color that contains pure gold in the formula. Fenton stopped making Cranberry glass in Williamstown, West Virginia around 2005. Hobnail, one of the best known and collected Fenton patterns, has been in and out of the Fenton line since the late 1930s. This classic pitcher was made in 2003 and is sure to be a favorite among collectors. Click here to purchase your Fenton Cranberry Opalescent Hobnail Pitcher today