
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Website Updated !!

Our website has been updated to improvement our customer shopping experience and provide more Fenton Collector content. With this update, you'll see big changes in the online store:

  • Faster Loading - The images have been compressed to laod quickly.
  • Image Enhancements - You can now click on the image for a larger picture and advance to additional images without leaving the photo enlargement.
  • Better Categories - We've added the categories of Just Arrived, Easter, Dave Fetty, & Kelsey Murphy you can quickly "jump" to the things you want.
  • More Products with Lay-Away - We've increased the number of items eligible for our Lay-Away / Payment Plan program.
  • Addition of Subtitles - We're still working on the subtitles. In general, we can provide you with more information on the category overview page.

We're be making more updates in the next few weeks. Stop by and check out the changes. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email me at